ISR* rate, on the downturn
Along with the change in government there also comes a degree of uncertainty Mexico experiences, as far as the diverse amendments every field of law may undergo. In fi...
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September - Will and Testament Month
We must leave behind the myths surrounding a Will and Testament, since they are not an omen of death nor are they only for those with high purchasing power; on the contrary, the...
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Bureaucratic Processes (or “red tape”) Made Easier For Those Companies Setting Up Business in Yucatan
State Legal Adviser, Sergio Cuevas Gonzalez, believes that the prevailing security and safety conditions as well as the recently installed Committee for Legal Guidelines/Control...
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INSEJUPY is Created to Protect the Patrimonial Rights of the People of Yucatan
The State Government proudly announced that Yucatan last week became the first state in Mexico with an Instituto de Seguridad Jurídica Patrimonial (Institu...
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2012 Spells the End for Paper Invoices
The F1 Mexico company stated that small and medium-sized companies that have not yet ventured into the world of electronic invoicing will have to do so this year. "Ther...
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Tax Refund for Foreign Tourists
Foreigners visiting Mexico on a tourist visa can obtain the refund of tax* that has been retained in the acquisition of merchandise, in commerce established in our country, ...
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Instituting a Landline or Mobile Telephone Measuring Device is Passed
The Chamber (of Deputies) Plenum passed a ruling decreeing that telecommunications network dealers provide a measuring device which allows users awareness of their usage level. ...
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New Traffic Law
On June 21, 2011, the State Government published the New Traffic and Roadway Regulations in the Official Gazette, setting forth more severe sanctions for certain motorist practi...
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Upcoming tariff reduction for used cars
Reduced tariffs and other benefits are intended to be set for the definitive import of used cars. The Ministry of Finance and Public Credit and Economy (abbreviated SH...
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Be alert and keep an eye out if you are going to import your car
Know the new standards for the processing and formalities required in applying for the temporary vehicle import permit. To expedite this formality (or pape...
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