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Migratory Forms (Mexican Visa)

The migratory form (Mexican Visa) for foreign nationals with a Non-Immigrant status, in every classification, is the FM3, granted to those who legally enter the country on a temporary basis, whether for an objective or activity. It may be issued by consular authorities and bears the signature of the official and the seal of the issuing office. The FM3 contains the following data:

  • The personal data of the foreigner.
  • Their migratory status information.
  • The numbers on the National Register of Foreigners and migratory dossier number.
  • The domicile of the foreigner while in the Mexican Republic.
  • The pages for entering the extensions authorizing the legal presence of the holder of the FM3 in the country as well as for noting any change in address, activity and marital status.

Immigrant is the foreign national who legally enters the country with the intention of residing in that country, until such time as he obtains the status of permanent resident. The FM2 is the migratory form (Mexican Visa) required for all those foreign nationals with an Immigrant status, in every migratory classification.

The Permanent Resident is a foreigner who acquired the right to permanently reside in the county. This status can be obtained by those immigrants that:

  • Have legally resided in the country for five years.
  • Have satisfied the provisions of the General Law of Population and its regulations.
  • Their activities have been appropriate, honest and beneficial for the community.

 Important: The Mexican government has announced a root-and-branch review of its immigration law, with changes announced in May 2011 expected to come into force in November 2011. We will be updating the page as soon as material facts become available from Mexico's department of immigration, regarding the new procedures.


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