Exemption From Income Tax On Income Derived From The Sale, Transfer Or Otherwise Disposal Of (Conveyance of Title to) A Residential Dwelling (i.e. Capital Gains -Tax Exemption)
TaxArticle 109, Section XV, subparagraph a) of the Income Tax Law (Ley del Impuesto Sobre la Renta, abbreviated LISR in Spanish) sets forth that income derived from the sale, trans...
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Invoicing in 2012
TaxChanges to the 2012 Federal Fiscal Code (Codigo Fiscal de la Federacion or CFF per its acronym in Spanish) brought a series of adjustments as far as digital tax receipts are con...
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Employee Participation in Company Profits, or more simply Employee Profit-Sharing (Participacion de los Trabajadores en las Utilidades de la Empresa, abbreviated PTU in Spanish)
TaxEmployees in Mexico, be they citizens of Mexico or foreigners, have the right to share in the net income (profits) of the company, in addition to employee compensation and other...
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20 mistakes the SAT** will not condone - Part II
TaxWhen Deducting Expenses Mistake #10. Expenses such as grocery purchases, and the home phone, among other expenses, are deducted. How to avoid making this mistak...
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20 mistakes the SAT** will not condone - Part I
TaxWorking in a freelance capacity earning professional fees or running your own business involves two basic, key facts: you will usually have more leeway in managing your work sch...
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Regime for Small Taxpayers (REPECO), an Excellent Alternative for Paying Taxes in Mexico
TaxIf you are looking to invest in Mexico and would like to start a business as an individual, then this article will be of interest to you. Individuals engaged in busines...
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February, the month for corporations in Mexico to submit disclosure statements
TaxWe would like to take this opportunity to inform you that February 15, 2012 is the deadline to submit disclosure statements regarding wages and salaries, income tax (ISR in Span...
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ALERT! IMSS Campaign to Verify Payment of Contributions relating to Construction Industry along Coastal Zone
TaxIn mid-November, the Mexican Institute of Social Security (Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social, or IMSS) began a campaign to verify payment of Social Securi...
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Income Tax Exemption For Disposition (Sale) Or Otherwise Transfer Of (Conveyance Of Title To) A Residential Dwelling
TaxMany of our clients have had questions regarding the exemption of Income Tax upon the disposition (sale) or otherwise transfer of (conveyance of title to) their residential dwel...
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