What is a social welfare benefit?
LaborThese are the expenditures the employer makes which are intended to satisfy contingencies or incidentals, or present or future needs, as well as providing benefits to employees,...
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Are punctuality, attendance and productivity bonuses, as well as grocery vouchers which are paid in cash considered to be items of social welfare benefits (a type of employee allowance)?
LaborNo, due to the fact that payment of the bonuses is conditional on an employee being punctual, not missing a day of work and/or meeting a production goal, and not on his/her simp...
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I am a foreigner and I work for a Mexican company. Am I entitled to be enrolled by my employer in the Mexican Social Security Institute (Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social, or IMSS)?
LaborYes, when the foreigner works and receives payment for their services in Mexico, they are eligible for enrollment in IMSS and the respective fees shall be paid as indicated in t...
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