I am about to acquire a 2004-model pickup truck imported into Mexico under the definitive import regime, I would like to know what papers I should require from the seller in order for the truck to be legally authorized (i.e. “nationalized”).
LegalThe documents required from the owner are: 1. The vehicle’s definitive import permit or customs declaration known as a “pedimento” bearing the Ke...
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What is the difference between a General Limited Power of Attorney and a Specific (Special) Power of Attorney?
LegalThe General Limited Powers Of Attorney, despite being of a general nature, set forth those limitations that the grantor deems adequate, and are granted for continuous...
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What requisites must the powers of attorney granted by mercantile corporations contain?
LegalIn order to be deemed valid and legally enforceable, a power of attorney granted by a mercantile corporation, must contain a transcript of the following clauses: 1. &nb...
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A legal entity of foreign nationality, currently conducting commercial transactions in Mexico, wants an attorney-in-fact with a power of attorney that was granted abroad be able to perform various transactions/acts in Mexico. Is this possible?
LegalYes. The legal capacity of a foreign legal entity shall be evidenced in the following two ways: a) By means of a power of attorney granted pursuant to the governing legislat...
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I live abroad and I need to grant a power of attorney to a Mexican national in order for that person to perform certain proceeding and investments in my name. Is the power of attorney granted abroad valid?
LegalYes, provided you obtain an Apostille (a legal way to authenticate a document for international use under the terms of the 1961 Hague Convention). In other words, while abroad, ...
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