How to do Personal Accounting using your Smartphone
Keeping track of what we spend, what we pay for, what we owe and even what is owed us need not be an uphill struggle, if you have a Smartphone; hence, here are five ideal suggestions for you:
EasyMoney: This application designed specifically for the Android allows you to:
A) Track your expenses.
B) Register budgets
C) Receive reminders for your bills as they become due
D) Download all expenses, from transportation to rent
You can also take photos of bills and invoices. This application offers a 30-day free trial.
MoneyWiz: This iPhone application allows you to create various types of accounts, including a cash (wallet) account. You can:
A) Register income and expenses
B) Adjust your balance and transfer money between accounts.
C) See budget progress, daily allowance and remaining days
With the budgets programmed, this application will monitor them for you and let you know when something is about to go wrong.
My Budget Book: This application designed for the Android, creates a graphical, statistical overview of the information provided, making it easier to
A) Manage more than one account and export your data in HTML or CSV format
B) Check your balance
C) Manage periodic entries/records (or standing orders, as the case may be) so you can plan ahead for the upcoming months
Live Expenses: This iPhone application to track and take control of your daily or monthly expenses, in addition to such features as:
A) The ability to separate budgets over different projects (work-related personal-related)
B) The ability to specify the type of expense (taxi, food, air travel, etc.)
This application also allows taking photos of bills, invoices or receipts
Toshl Finance: This expense-tracker application is for Smartphones across the board. Here:
A) You should choose a currency, setting a custom exchange rate and create a personal account to manage your budgets, managing your expenses daily as you go
B) You can edit categories as you go, assigning each their own budget
C) All your data can be sent via mail. The app can also export data in PDF, CSV, Excel and Google Docs format.
Source: Excelsior Negocios