Found in the Pyramid of the sun, sculpture of Huehuetéotl
INAH archaeologists found at the top of the Pyramid of the Sun at 66 meters high, the sculpture of Huehuetéotl, or old god of fire, the largest sculpture yet found in Teo...
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2,500-year-old Cacao Residue Discovered in the Maya Puuc Region of Yucatán.
Traces of cacao – or chocolate – have been found for the first time in an archeological context in Yucatán; the chemical residues of the seed (usually calle...
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How to do Personal Accounting using your Smartphone
Keeping track of what we spend, what we pay for, what we owe and even what is owed us need not be an uphill struggle, if you have a Smartphone; hence, here are five idea...
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Gran Museo del Mundo Maya de Merida Opens Its Doors
Governor Ivonne Ortega Pacheco was present this past September 24 for the opening of the Gran Museo del Mundo Maya de Merida (Great Maya World Museum of Merida), which included ...
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ISR* rate, on the downturn
Along with the change in government there also comes a degree of uncertainty Mexico experiences, as far as the diverse amendments every field of law may undergo. In fi...
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What to do Should Your Cell Phone be Stolen or Misplaced
The country’s mobile phone companies - Iusacell, Nextel, Telcel and Telefonica - approved procedures so that reports for the loss or theft of mobile phones are handled in ...
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September - Will and Testament Month
We must leave behind the myths surrounding a Will and Testament, since they are not an omen of death nor are they only for those with high purchasing power; on the contrary, the...
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Mexico: A new factory for America
Industrial leaders and directors of global enterprises with manufacturing plants in the country assure that Mexico is much more appealing for manufacturing exports than Brazil, ...
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Looking to do business? Come to Yucatan!
According to its “Doing Business” publication, World Bank (WB) ranks Yucatan as the second fastest location in Mexico for starting a business. At the opening of ...
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Mexico: One of the Best Places to Invest
This may surprise you, but Mexico is one of the best places to invest around the world. In the recent years, Mexico’s economy has grown into a huge export power with manuf...
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"The Meridas of the World" International Fair
The International Fair, The Meridas of the World: Extremadura, Spain, Venezuela and Yucatan, Mexico, which included cultural, musical, gastronomy and tourist activities as well ...
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Merida Museo del Mundo Maya Progresses
Museography specialists associated with world-class projects have initiated work inside the Merida Museo del Mundo Maya (Merida’s Maya World Museum), and already evident a...
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Police Ready for Summer Vacation
Summer vacation officially began last Friday and as such surveillance measures are being increased and strengthened. More than 2,000 officers from police forces will be mo...
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Merida: A City of Employment
Doing Business Mexico 2012, an agency specializing in generating employment sources, recognized by the UN and operating throughout the Republic, will certify Merida this coming ...
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Mexico: The Only Country Increasing Its Competitiveness in Latin America
Within Latin America, Mexico is the only country in Latin America that has increased its world competitiveness, according to the IMD’s 2012 World Competitiveness Yearbook ...
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