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Federal Electricity Commission Rates

The Comision Federal de Electricidad (English: Federal Electricity Commission) or CFE, is a Mexican government-owned company that generates, transmits, distributes and markets electricity to more than 34.9 million customers, representing over 100 million residents, and annually adds more than one million new customers.  

The only provider of electrical energy services in Mexico is the CFE.

In order to contract electrical services, you will first need the following:

  • External electrical energy cables at the home address.
  • The closest pole should be no more than 35 meters from where the meter is to be installed.
  • The electrical installation in the interior of the home must be completed.
  • The installation for the lead-in cable and the base or panel for the meter is to have been placed outside the home.

Rates vary depending on whether the service contracted is for a residence or for a business. The rates for residential use are:

C1 (common) is divided into three rates:

  • BASIC is the first 300 kVA of usage/consumption and is charged at a rate of 0.63 cents.
  • INTERMEDIATE is the next 600 kVA of usage/consumption after the basic rate and is charged at a rate of 0.95 cents.
  • EXCESS is any usage/consumption exceeding the intermediate rate and is charged at a rate of $2.52 per kVA.

Between March and October there is a government subsidy included in this rate.

DAC (high-consumption residence): an average of six two-month periods is performed and if the results show a consumption of more than 1700 kVA, the residence falls under this rate.  This rate is charged at $3.25 from the first kVA consumed.

* Source: http://www.cfe.gob.mx


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