I am Mexican by birth and my children were born abroad. What proceedings (procedures, formalities and/or paperwork) do they need to carry out in order to obtain Mexican nationality?
ImmigrationMexicans by birth are those individuals born abroad from Mexican parents who were born within national territory, from a Mexican father who was born within national territory, o...
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I am of Mexican nationality by birth and I married a foreigner of United States nationality. What proceedings (procedures, formalities and/or paperwork) does my husband have to carry out in order to obtain Mexican nationality?
ImmigrationYour husband must prove he has resided and lived by common consent in the marital home, establishing said domicile within national territory for the two years immediately prior ...
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Can I import a car into Mexico if I enter Mexico as a tourist with a Multiple Immigration Form?
ImmigrationYes, there is no obstacle whatsoever. However, in accordance with Rule 4.2.7 Fraction IV, sixth paragraph of the Fourth Resolution of Amendments to the General Rules on Foreign ...
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I am a foreigner who purchased a car in Yucatan in 2011. It came to my attention that individuals are exempt in 2012 from paying a “tenencia”...
Immigration(an automobile/any transport vehicle yearly "ownership tax", originally established to help finance the 1968 Olympic Games). When going to apply for this exempti...
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How can my Mexican nationality which was obtained through naturalization be revoked?
ImmigrationArticle 37, Sub-paragraph B of the Political Constitution of the United Mexican States, sets forth the following: Mexican nationality obtained through naturalization ...
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I am the grandson of a Mexican by birth...
ImmigrationTherefore, upon coming to live in Mexico and in order to obtain Mexican nationality, I registered my father’s and my birth certificate with the Office of Vital Records for...
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What are the nationalities that require an admission process to come to Mexico?
ImmigrationYou can find the list of countries requiring a visa to enter Mexico, at the link below: http://www.inm.gob.mx/index.php/page/Paises_Visa/en.html ...
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